Supply, support or recover equipment

Helping supply, support or recover equipment on your user’s estate from a manufacturer in which you are not accredited? This may only be 5% of the user’s estate and the need may only be temporary but why let someone else create an ‘in’ with your customer? Tectra will support you bridge the gap you have in your own expertise.

Creating a stop gap

Creating a stop gap solution for your customer to complete a project? Save your customer time, money and the admin headache of dealing with the OEM by offering a short or medium term rental of used equipment. This is normally a peripheral need but can help accelerate the main IT spend by saving money and time.

DR options

Discussing DR options for your latest infrastructure refresh? Save money and time by using N-1 technology with huge discounts and create more budget towards the new primary spend.

Creating extra IT budget through asset recovery on legacy portions of your user’s estate. Increase your customer’s liquidity, make the numbers stack and give them back a return. It can be the difference between pitching a successful IT strategy or not.

Creating extra IT budget

We can take your pain away and just get things sorted. No fuss, no stress, just easy, fast and efficient on site services backed up with full and recognised compliance.

Compliance and practicality

Social responsibility

An imperative aspect to any IT strategy. Reuse over recycling or landfill. Tectra Technologies will help your customer sweat their assets where appropriate, reducing material consumption. Perhaps more importantly, Tectra will help maximise the asset lifespan after its initial use and do so in a pain free and cash positive manner. Whilst we all focus on reducing waste, this is a simple and powerful message to give to your customers.